المعاد الجسماني بين أهل السنة والفلاسفة دراسة عقدية

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


قسم: الدراسات الإسلامية، کلية التربية، جامعة الأمير سطام بن عبدالعزيز، الخرج، المملکة العربية السعودية .


يتناول هذا البحث بياناً لمعنى المعاد في اللغة والاصطلاح، وفيه عرض للأقوال في مسألة المعاد والبعث، مع بيان القول الحق بأدلته في عودة الأجساد بعد موتها وتحللها وتفرقها، کما يعرض الأدلة التي اعتمد عليه الفلاسفة في قولهم بالمعاد الروحاني فقط، ويذکر أدلتهم، ويرکز على رأيي الفارابي وابن سينا حول النفس. کما تطرق البحث إلى تنوع الأدلة القرآنية في إثبات عودة الأجساد بعد تفرقها، وکيف أجابت هذ الأدلة على حجج وشبهات المنکرين.

الكلمات الرئيسية

عنوان المقالة [English]

Physical Rehabilitation Between Sunnis and Philosophers Doctrinal study.

المؤلفون [English]

Dr. Abdullah bin Ali bin Abdullah Al-Shehri .

Department: Islamic Studies, College of Education, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia.

المستخلص [English]


The research deals with a statement of the definition of resurrection lexically and termally. If includes the statement of the opinions in the issue of resurrection and returning of bodies after death, showing the right opinion with its evidence in the return of bodies after death, decomposition and disperse.

It also shows the evidence on which the philosophers relied on in their opinions on the spiritual resurrection only mentioning their evidence concentrating on the opinions of Al-Farabi and Ibn-Sina about the soul.

The research also dealt with the diversity of the Qur'anic evidence in proving the return of bodies after their disperse and how this evidence refuted the arguments and suspicious of the deniers.

Search Plan:

This research included: an introduction, a preface, three chapters, a conclusion, an index of references, and another topic.

Introduction: It includes the importance of the topic and its objectives, previous studies, research method and plan.

The preamble: it clarifies the meaning of the resurrection in the legal language and terminology.

The first topic: it contains a brief presentation of the sayings of the people at the time. The second topic: It contains the sayings of the philosophers about the physical resurrection and their evidence.

It has four requirements:

The first requirement: the opinion of the philosophers on the physical return.

The second requirement: the soul according to Al-Farabi.

The third requirement: the soul according to Ibn Sina.

The fourth requirement: the evidence of the philosophers to deny the resurrection of bodies.

The third topic: It contains the sayings of the Sunnis about the physical return and their evidence.

Conclusion: It contains the most prominent results of the search. Indexes: It includes the index of references, and the index of topics.

الکلمات الرئيسية [English]

(for resurrection) (the resurrection) (philosophers) (the theologians) (the Sunnis) (the spiritual resurrection) (the return of bodies).